Docker Commands
This post serves as a quick set of notes on some of the Docker
commands. The intent of this post is not to explain what is Docker or how it
works. Instead it is just a quick access to various Docker commands.
Docker Machine
1) List of
all Docker machines
docker-machine ls
2) Start a Docker machine
docker-machine start
Ex: docker-machine start default
3) Stop a Docker Machine:
docker-machine stop
Ex: docker-machine stop default
4) Set the environment:
docker-machine env
Ex: docker-machine env default
1) Pull an
image from the docker hub:
docker pull <image-name>
Ex: docker pull hello-world
2) List of
images installed on the current computer:
docker images
3) Remove an
image from the computer:
docker rmi <image-name |
Ex: docker rmi hello-world
Ex: docker rmi 12324
4) Run an
1) This basically creates a
container with the specified image.
If the image is not locally installed on the computer, as a first step,
it pulls the image autormatically from the docker hub and then runs the image.
docker run <image-name>
Ex: docker run hello-world
2) However, we might have to
specify the port in some cases to say on which port the image should run.
docker run –p
<local-port>:<container-port> <image-name>
Ex: docker run –p 80:80 hello-world
Local-port: The port on the local
Container-port: The port on the
container that needs to be tied to the local port.
=> In this case, docker runs
the hello-world image. Here the port 80 on the local machine connects to the
port 80 on the docker virtual machine.
3) When we want to create a volume
(Remember Volumes are the permanent stores):
docker run –p
<local-port>:<container-port> -v <container-volume>
Ex: docker run –p 80:80 -v /var/www hello-world
=> In this case, docker runs
the hello-world image. Here the port 80 on the local machine connects to the
port 80 on the docker virtual machine.
=> In this case the docker
volume on the container is at /var/www.
However, the volume location on
the docker host is decided on the fly by docker.
4) If we want to decide where
docker writes the volume file instead of letting docker decide, the following
can be done:
docker run –p
<local-port>:<container-port> -v
<host-location>:<container-volume> <image-name>
Ex: docker run –p 80:80 -v
$(pwd):/var/www node
=>pwd = the present working
directory on the local machine.
docker run –it –p 80:3000 –v
$(pwd):/var/www -w "/var/www" node npm start
-it = To exit the run command when
command+c is clicked.
-w = working directory
5) List of containers on the computer:
1) List of running containers on
the computer
docker ps
2) To fetch the list of containers
docker ps –a
6) To remove a container:
1) docker rm <container-name|
Ex: docker rm test
2) To remove the volume along with
the container:
docker rm -v <container-name|
Ex: docker rm -v test
7) Locate a
This is used to get the location of the volume. The volume is where the
writables are persisted by the contianer.
docker inspect <container-name| container-id>
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